Geriyo Irrigation Farming Rice Beds
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Project Information
Lake Geriyo irrigation project was established in the year 1976 with 24 Ha of land and 52 farmers. However, the project continues to expand to its present status of about 429 Ha of land with over 2000 farmers. The main services the project renders include provision of water for irrigation where the authority lift water from River Benue through the use of M&W pumps into the primary canal that distribute to secondary canals, Drilling of tube wells and provision of water pumps to the farmers at subsidize rates. The project also provides agricultural extension services. Lake geriyo irrigation project has a total of 350 Ha developed and cultivated with a harvest of over 1350 tones as at last year comprising 150 Ha rice with harvest of over 750 tones 80Ha Maize cultivated with harvest of over 240 tones and 120 Ha vegetable with harvest of over 360 tones. The project play significant role in food production and security in the areas of job creation to youths, improve economic status of the people, reduction of price of commodities in the market during harvesting and industrial attachment for students from various institutions of learning. However, the project is been face with the following challenges that management is working round the clock to fix it such as absolute machines, siltation of the lake, encroachment of the authority’s land and host of others.