Waya Dam SHP turbine and generator
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Project Information
Waya dam is an earth filled dam located in Bauchi state. The dam is situated about 25km away from Bauchi off Bauchi- Maiduguri road. Construction work on the dam started in November, 1992 and continued till 1999 due to lack of funds. The dam is 400m long and 19m high while the reservoir storage capacity is 30million m3 with 110 cumecs free overflow spillway. The concept of the dam was initially to irrigate 200ha of agricultural land, to argument domestic water supply to Bauchi metropolis, fishing and flood control. The authority conceived an idea on the possibility of SHP pilot scheme and was considered in conjunction with the United Nations industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Energy Commission of Nigeria (ECN) in 2003 as one of the two pilot small hydropower (SHP) demonstration projects selected for counterpart funding by UNIDO- international Centre for small hydropower (UNIDO-IC-SHP), Hangzhou , peoples republic of China. The aim of the project is to encourage the development and provision of SHP to meet the energy requirements of rural Communities who may not have access to conventional power supply from national grid. The project after completion, supplied electricity to 330 Households which stimulate economic activities and as well improved the standard of living of the benefitting three communities namely Kimni, Gilliri and Runde with a population of over 2250 all within an average distance of 5km from the power house in Bauchi state.